Creation Rebel Mode

Here we experiment with the 'Creation Rebel' filter mode. A resonant, spring-like reverb with a classic 4 stage phaser in the output path. Inspired by the sound of one of the UK’s greatest record labels - On-U Sound. Design notes - TIME controls the rate of the phaser. FEED is the decay or 'dwell' control for the reverb. LOVE is a depth control for the phaser, as depth is increased a high pass filter is also introduced, sweeping out the low end. There is plenty of gain (x10) on tap at the VOL knob, it's cable of clean boost all the way through to a heavily saturated, op-amp distortion. The TONE knob serves as a master tone control (sweepable from low pass filter to high pass filter) for the output signal.

Love to brilliant Al McKay xx


Honey Filter Mode


Patchwork Mode